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  • 07801977985

Water Supply Pipe

What is a water supply pipe?

These pipes carry water from the distribution network (water mains) into the land/property. Supply pipes run from the boundary of the property (where there may be an external stop valve/water meter) up to the first internal water fitting or stop valve inside the property. Pipes range from 15mm and upwards, consisting of Lead, Copper, Galvanised Iron, Black Polyethylene and Blue MDPE pipe.


If you require the installation of a new Water Supply Pipe to feed a commercial or domestic premises, then a new connection will be required by your water provider. Before commencing this new connection, the water provider will want all pipework on your side of the property installed compliantly. KCS are WIAP’S accredited which means all water main projects can be signed off by us thus no inspection is required by the water board and therefore projects can move on more swiftly and efficiently.


Have you been made aware of a water supply pipe leak/burst on your water supply? Maybe the leak is visible, and you noticed it yourself? Are you experiencing poor flow and pressure issues? KCS uses the latest technology in water leak detection to accurately pinpoint the location of the leak (trace, access, and repair), saving time and money on unnecessary excavations and reinstatement costs.

Replacement / Lead Replacement

Do you have poor flow and pressure issues? Have you discovered a lead pipe and want to replace it? KCS fully qualified and trained engineers have years of experience in the water & main laying industry, catering to any client and water provider requirements. KCS will provide an outstandingly high level of quality in planning, production, and customer relations. We use the latest technology in mains installation from, Moling, Horizontal Directional Drilling and conventional Open Cut Trenching.

Accreditations & Qualifications